Five Daguerreotype Portraits of Gentlemen, three sixth-plate size: one possibly a minister, wearing a white shirt and stock, holding a book in one hand, with his arm resting on a table with an open book, one of a man seated next to a table with a vase of flowers which are tinted pink and blue, and one of a young man wearing a high-crowned, visored cap seated beside a table posed with one hand on his hip; two ninth-plate size: a young man with long sideburns, identified in inscriptions on a paper under the portrait: "William Crombie Born Brooklyn, N.Y. 1833/Father of William B. Crombie, born in Penna. 1871," and an oval portrait of a bearded man; the first four mounted in pressed-paper cases, the last in an oval gilt-brass pendant case, (imperfections).
