Vigil of Venus and Thomas Parnell (1679-1718), Seventeen Volumes: Three editions of Parnell's Poems, London, 1722, 1737, and 1866, and fourteen volumes on the Vigil of Venus: Traduction en Prose et en Vers d'une Ancienne Hymne sur les Fetes de Venus , London/Paris: Barbou, 1766; Way's Sappho and the Vigil of Venus , London: Macmillan, 1920; Clementi's Pervigilium Veneris , Oxford: Blackwell, 1911, and another copy, 1928; Tate's Vigil of Venus , Massachusetts: Cummington Press, 1943; Hickman du Bois's Pervigilium Veneris , Woodstock, Vermont: Preli Ulmei, 1911; Clementi's Bibliographical and Other Studies on the Pervigilium Veneris , Oxford: Blackwell, 1913; Gielgud's The Vigil of Venus , with wood engravings by Buday, London: Muller, [n.d.]; Pervigilium Veneris set to music for chorus and orchestra by Frederic Austin, London: Novello & Co., 1931; Postgate's translation, in a limited signed copy, London: Grant Richards, 1924, with the original soft slipcase; Auslander's translation, New York: Cheshire House, 1931; Marchi's Italian translation, Pervigilium Veneris & De Rosis Nascentibus , Milan: Hoepli, 1954, two copies in publisher's slipcases; and an edition of Thomas Parnell's translation, Shaftesbury: High House Press, 1927. (17)
