Rolle, Richard (1290? -1349) Speculum Spiritualium . [Paris: Hopyl, sumptibus Bretton (of London), 1510]. Large quarto/small folio, small woodcut of Christ crucified present on folio 208, along with the larger woodcut of the risen Christ with criblé background; lacking A1, A10, b2-7, and final A10; although the leaves lacking at the front and back were clearly lost after the book was bound, it seems likely that the inner leaves of signature b were lacking from day one; contemporary inscriptions of English owners at the front and back, free endleaves loose, along with manuscript waste guards, pastedowns have released from the inner boards, bound in full contemporary English blind-tooled calf over oak boards, lacking clasps, rebacked, old fabric repair to inside of front board, losses to leather on front board, 10 x 7 1/4 in.
