Bible, New Testament in Greek. Amsterdam: Ex Officinâ Elzevirianâ, 1658. 12mo, edited by Étienne de Courcelles (1586-1659), title page printed in red and black, with Elzevir's woodcut device, text in Greek throughout, 532 and 377 pages, bound in fine contemporary gilt-tooled morocco, inner gilt dentelles, gilt tooled spine, unrestored and intact, with original endbands, silk bookmarks, a.e.g., and unusual gilt endleaves printed with an all-over pattern of stars and dots; ffep removed, signature washed from title, resulting in a subtle brownish toning across the middle of the page. De Courcelles was an Arminian French Protestant, close friend of Descartes, translator of Grotius, and Greek scholar and translator.
