Seventeen Books on British and Irish Glass, An Illustrated Guide to Eighteenth-Century English Drinking Glasses , by L. M. Bickerton, 1971; English, Scottish & Irish Table Glass , by G. Bernard Hughes, 1956; English Drinking Glasses 1675-1825 , by L.M. Bickerton, 1984; The Jabobites and their Drinking Glasses , by Geoffrey B. Seddon, 1995; British Glass from the Collectible Glass series, 1978; English and Irish Antique Glass , by Derek C. Davis, 1964; English Table Glass , by Percy Bate; English Glass , edited by Sydney Crompton, 1972; The Glass Collector: A Guide to Old English Glass , by Maciver Percival; English Glass for the Collector 1660-1860 , by G. Bernard Hughes, 1958; English and Irish Glass , by W.A. Thorpe, 1927; English Glass and the Glass Used in England, c.400-1940 , by R.J. Charleston, 1984; English Glass , by W.B. Honey, 1987; English Glass , by W.A. Thorpe, 1935; English Tableglass , by E.M. Elville, 1951; English and Irish Glass , by Geoffrey Wills, 1968; British Table and Ornamental Glass , by L.M. Angus-Butterworth, 1956; and Vol. XVI No. 5 of The Antiquarian , (18 items total).
