Stephen Parrish (American, 1846-1938) New England Summer Landscape with Distant Steeple Signed and dated "Stephen Parrish/1922" l. l., inscribed "MP Jr. No. 521" on the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 20 x 28 in. (50.8 x 71.2 cm), framed. Condition: Lined, retouch. Literature: A Catalogue of Paintings, most of them by Stephen Parrish (1846-1938), as compiled by Maxfield Parrish, Jr. , item 521, p. 9, (ill p. 10), a privately published inventory (September, 1976) in the collection of Dartmouth College, Rauner Special Collections Library. N.B. The landscape at hand is a late work by Stephen Parrish. It is described by his grandson, Maxfield Parrish, Jr., in the inventory referenced above as, "One of his best but needs repair...Possibly Beaver Brook Road and brook north of Plainfield, north on Rte. 12A." By the 1920s, Stephen Parrish had stopped sending paintings to exhibitions. He sold works from home, sometimes right off the easel, but would not release them to the new owners until the paint was dry. Maxfield Parrish, Jr., went on to write that he knew of no Stephen Parrish paintings dated after 1923. The frame on the work appears to be original; it matches the one in the photograph in the inventory and bears a pencil inscription "Ann Dunn" as noted in the inventory description. We would like to thank Sarah Hartwell, Rauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College, for her assistance with the Parrish family archives.
