Constitution of the State of New York, together with the Rules and Orders, Standing Committees, and List of Members of the Senate & Assembly, for 1826 . Albany: Croswell, Barnum, & Van Benthusen, 1826. [bound with] An Almanac for 1826, interleaved with blank pages, and a map of the state of New York, from Spafford's Gazetteer , 1824, on translucent tissue, hand colored, edges folded, tear to center, all bound in full contemporary textured sheepskin, spine detached and fragmentary. These books were certainly made up and sold as useful vade mecums for members of the New York state senate and assembly. The signature of Elial T. Foote, member of the state assembly, representing Chautauqua county, appears on the front free end leaf, and also on the outer leather cover.
