Fly Fishing, 20th Century, Fourteen Volumes: Bergman's Trout , New York: Knopf, 1945, in tattered dust jacket; Leisenring's The Art of Tying the West Fly , New York: Dodd Mead, 1946, in dust jacket; Art Flick's Streamside Guide to Naturals and their Imitations , New York: Putnam's Sons, [1947], in dust jacket; Cross' Tying American Trout Lures , New York: Dodd Mead, 1944, in dust jacket; Evanoff's Natural Salt Water Fishing Baits , New York: Barnes, [1953], in dust jacket; Tavener's Fly-Tying for Salmon , London: Seeley Service, [n.d.]; Gregg's How to Tie Flies , New York: Barnes [1940], in dust jacket; Evanoff's Natural Fresh Water Fishing Baits , New York: Barnes, [1952], in dust jacket; Sturgis' Fly-Tying , New York: Scribners, 1940; La Branche's The Dry Fly and Fast Water and The Salmon and the Dry Fly , New York: Scribners, 1951, with dust jacket; Outdoor Life's Secrets of Successful Fresh Water Fishing , New York: Outdoor Life, [1952], with dust jacket; Jennings' A Book of Trout Flies , New York: Crown, [n.d.], in slipcase; Professional Fly Tying Manual , stapled pamphlet; and Leonard's Flies , New York: Barnes, [1950], in dust jacket. (14)
