Assembled Georgian Silver Flatware Service, various dates and makers, London, early 19th century, all monogrammed and of the same pattern, twelve each: tablespoons, teaspoons, dinner forks, luncheon forks, hollow dinner knives, and hollow luncheon knives; eight dessert spoons, two salt spoons, mustard spoon, pair of sugar tongs, sugar sifter, cheese scoop, master spreader, small pair of tongs, two sauce ladles, large soup ladle, pierced fish slice, and a three-piece hollow carving set: fork, knife, and sharpener; together with a pierced fish slice with a different pattern and monogram, approx. 114 troy oz. weighable silver, in a fitted case. Provenance: Purchased at Phillips, New York, Sale 485, Lot 395, March 24, 1983. A catalogue from this sale accompanies the lot.
