Lacquered-Brass Student's Binocular Microscope by Henry Crouch, London, No. 13779, with Wenham-pattern tube, rackwork coarse focusing and eyepiece focusing, the nosepiece with prism and screw adjustment, revolving circular glass stage, substage condensor, plano-concave mirror on compass joint, and anodized limb and trunions to splayed foot, on mahogany base, ht. closed 14 1/2 in., in dovetailed mahogany case with 1911 repairer label of Charles Baker, 244 High Holborn, London and accessories including a bull's-eye condensor, diaphragm, four-stop aperture, eyepieces, a J.S. Swift & Son 1/12 in. oil immersion objective and H. Crouch 1/4, 1 and 2 in. objectives in cannisters.
