Exceptional Picture Automaton by Bremond, c. 1860, of a carpenter's workshop with four figures, three with hand tools and the fourth working a treadle-operated grinding wheel, in rustic open room setting of carved and painted cork, the back wall hung with two band-saws, rack with chisels, block and square, and other tools including mallets, chisels and planes on the central bench, a window and a spiral staircase in the wings to the left and right, the timbered roof in simulated brick and stone outer walls with climbing plants and ivy flanking the scene, in gilt frame with maker's plaque B.A. Bremond, Manufacturer, Geneva, Switzerland and label inside the frame, on boxwood-strung walnut veneered plinth containing six-air keywind mandoline movement with BAB harp stamp on the governor-cock, Bremond plaque, and brass winding arbor engraved with arrow directional and control plate engraved B.A. Bremond, Fabricant, Geneve , 25 1/2 in. wd. x 23 1/2 in. ht., (the frame sides and plinth base repolished, and the cylinder movement (only) cleaned, in otherwise excellent original condition.) Provenance: Property of the late Brian Etches, a skilled musical box restorer whose wide interests also spanned toys, and vintage cars and aeroplanes. Brian acquired the automaton in the 1970s and until 2004 it was displayed in his toy museum at Arne in Dorset, England. Note: The sequence of movements is unusually complex and lifelike, giving the impression of actual, irregular work. The ten separ Read more…
