Hutchinson-type Pictorial Hooked Rug, America, early 20th century, rectangular rug composed of wool and cotton fabrics depicting a scene with firemen rescuing young ladies from a burning building while the gentlemen, arms waving, are awaiting rescue, over the inscription "Always Save the Women First," (toning, light soiling), 33 x 48 1/4 in. Note: This rug is depicted in American Hooked and Sewn Rugs: Folk Art Underfoot , by Joel and Kate Kopp (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1975), p. 113. It was likely in the collection of James L. Hutchinson, who accumulated numerous pictorial hooked rugs depicting sentimental and often bawdy scenes of love, marriage, domestic bliss and strife, and a favorite theme of firemen, which were hooked by women in cottage industries for roadside sales, or for trading in the local markets. Hutchinson's collection was sold at various auctions throughout the 1940s. This rug was apparently sold at Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc.
