Saint-Lambert, Monsieur de. (c. 1700) Les Principes du Clavecin , [and] Nouveau Traite de L'Accompagnement du Clavecin, de l'Orgue, et des autres Instruments . Paris: Ballard, 1707. First editions, two oblong folio volumes bound as one, lacking the last two pages of the first work (67/68), and the last two unnumbered pages in the second work; with music printed throughout both volumes, in slightly later half parchment and patterned paper boards, t.e.g.; contents lightly toned, paper crisp, with strong type impressions, title of second work trimmed close, touching the first line, some other minor defects, 10 1/2 x 8 in. Very little is known about de Saint-Lambert; what we do know comes down to us through these two publications. He was a harpsichordist, teacher, and composer who worked in Paris during the early 18th century. His was the first work published in France concerned with playing the harpsichord. Provenance: Estate of Charles Paine Fisher.