Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745) Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World . London: for Benj. Motte, 1726 [1727]. Four parts in two octavo volumes, volume one is a second edition, volume two is mixed; engraved portrait of Lemuel Gulliver in volume one in the second state, with a Latin inscription on the table beneath; six full-page engraved plates; pagination in parts one and two is continuous, but restarts in parts three and four; no ad before the title in volume two; part one, page 17, line 22 "Potion;" line 8 on the general title page of volume one reads "Cap-"; title page of volume two does not say "second edition;" part four, page 62 is numbered correctly, likely Teerink-Scouten 290 and 291; both volumes in contemporary blind-ruled and speckled boards, decorated with different tools, both rebacked, edges and corners worn, spotting and stains to some text leaves, 7 1/2 x 4 1/2 in. (2)
