Loder, Justus Christian (1753-1832) Anatomische Tafeln zur Befoerderung der Kenntniss des Menschlichen Koerpers . Weimar: Industrie-Comptoirs, 1794 [-1803]. Two folio volumes: one text only, the other illustrated with full-paged engravings numbered from one to 176, the actual number of plates higher, because some showing the same subjects schematically re-use the same plate number, the numbering itself is continuous, some plates printed on smaller paper stock; some hand-colored, the blood vessels picked out in red; two of the large folding plates are torn with substantial loss (between plates number XCI and XCII), other edge wear, folding, intermittent stains, and other faults, some plates in good condition; four smaller-format plates (extra?) added in the osteology section on skulls; the two volumes bound in uniform half-leather, worn, rubbed, sewing on the plate volume questionable, text volume: 15 1/2 x 9 1/2 in.; plate volume: 17 x 10 1/2 in. (2)
