Washington, George (1732-1799) Letter to President John Adams (1735-1826), Signed by Tobias Lear (1726-1816), An Account of the First President's Death, Mount Vernon, 15 December 1799 . Single page, inscribed on one side. To John Adams, as President of the United States (noted at bottom left) announcing Washington's death, and the circumstances thereof. Pale blue laid paper, with old folds, written in brown ink, a note of the letter's content on the verso; smudge in left-hand margin, right edge reinforced on verso with a strip of paper, held behind clear photo corners, in a double mat, all edges of the original sheet visible, in a modern gilt frame, 9 x 7 1/4 in. "Sir, It is with inexpressible grief that I have to announce to you the death of the Great and the Good General Washington. He died last evening between ten and eleven o'clock, after a short illness of about twenty hours. His Disorder was an inflammatory sore throat, which proceeded from a cold, of which he made but little complaint on Friday. On Saturday Morning, about three o'clock, he became ill. Doctor Craik attended him in the morning, and Doctor Dick of Alexandria and Doctor Brown of Port Tobacco, were soon called in. Every medical assistance was offered; but without the desired effect. His last scene corresponded with the whole tenor of his life. Not a groan nor a complaint escaped him in extreme distress. With perfect resignation, and in full possession of his reason, he closed his well spent life. I h Read more…