Acts and Laws Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Colony of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. Watertown and Boston: various printers, including Ede, Adams, and Larkin, 1776-1795. Folio, in various states of condition, including stab-sewn examples with untrimmed edges, others removed from bound volumes, or in boards, the group uncollated, with some sections lacking or duplicated. This important group of amendments to the laws of Massachusetts begins during the colonial period, continues through the American Revolution, and into the new republic. The first act in this collection contains stirring revolutionary language, from November, 1775. "Whereas it is not only the interest, but the duty of all nations to defend their lives, liberties and properties, in that land which the supreme ruler of the universe has bestowed on them, against the unlawful attacks and depredations of all enemies whatever; especially those who are moved by a spirit of avarice or despotism: and whereas the honorable American Congress have recommended to the United Colonies to put the militia into a proper state for the defence of America."
