Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886) Autograph Note Signed, undated. Single leaf of notepaper with an allover grid pattern in the paper itself (as laid lines), the text written in pencil. The letter is unaddressed, however, according to citations of the text from reference works, this note was originally sent to MacGregor Jenkins's mother, with a tiny sketch of Amherst. "I omitted the snow on the roof, distrusting the premonition- Emily," the sheet folded into thirds, slightly toned, 7 3/4 x 5 in. [with] MacGregor Jenkins's Emily Dickinson, Friend and Neighbor , Boston: Little Brown, 1930, signed by Jenkins on ffep, with the jacket. For reference to this note, see Martha Nell Smith, Rowing in Eden , Austin: University of Texas Press, [1992], page 218; and Jay Leyda, The Years and Hours of Emily Dickinson , New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1960 [2:284].
