Seven Pieces of Continental Silver, three Dutch . 833 silver: a tea caddy with indistinct date letter from 1880-1910 and unidentified maker's mark, ht. 4 1/4; a strainer, 1814-1953, maker's mark ""WR80," with pierced bowl, cartouche to handle, and figural terminal, lg. 6 1/8; and Apostle spoon, 1905, lg. 6 1/2; two Neoclassical-style reticulated bonbon dishes, Storck & Sinsheimer, Hanau, Germany, 1874-1926, lg. 7 1/2; French .950 silver wine taster with presentation inscription, dia. 2 7/8; and sterling silver sugar tongs, Thorvald Marthinsen, Tonsberg, Norway, first quarter 20th century, with pierced floral design, lg. 3 in.; approx. 16.3 total troy oz. Provenance: The Estate of Charles P. Fisher.
