Folk Art Appliqued Needlework Picture of a Family Outing, Burlington, Vermont, area, c. 1810, a whimsical artistically arranged, detailed composition of appliqued, solid, and printed cotton and silk shaped fabric segments stitched to a linen foundation with silk embroidered details, depicting eleven family figures: at the center the mother, wearing a polka-dot dress is seated in a chair holding a bouquet of flowers and a book; the father is holding his clay pipe and poised to pick a cluster of flowers from a small tree; flanking the couple are nine young adults and children, amongst them are two sets of girl twins. The older twins, wearing matching striped gowns and blue polka-dotted bonnets are fawning over and grasping the arm of a young man in a striped suit. The younger twins, also wearing matching floral-printed gowns, are holding a red parasol between them, and one is holding a leash to their dog; also in the picture are two young ladies: one is holding a green parasol, the other has a posy in each hand, and a little girl stands between them wearing a pink dress and holding a small purse. Finally, a young man with his long gun and a powder flask slung across his chest stands next to them. In the foreground are a line of sheep, chickens pecking grain, and two cats; in the background two large trees are arched over the tableau with two squirrels scampering up one trunk, a black cat perched on a branch high above the father's head, and several birds stitched among the oth Read more…
