Sailor-made Whalebone Inlaid Mahogany Miniature Chest of Drawers, attributed to Stephen Luce, Jr. , of Martha's Vineyard, probably made at sea, rectangular top inlaid with a crossed chain of whalebone diamonds centered with circle circle, over two graduating drawers with crescent and diamond bone inlay with turned bone knobs, flanked by reeded posts continuing to tapered turned feet, the front and paneled sides with conforming chain of diamonds inlaid band, (imperfections) ht. 8, wd. 13 3/4, dp. 7 in. Literature: See Harbor & Home, Furniture of Southeastern Massachusetts 1710-1850 , Brock Jobe et al., (University Press of New England, 2009), plate 66, pp. 193-94, a chest with similar crescent and diamond inlaid motifs on the drawer fronts attributed to sailor Stephen Luce, Jr., is pictured.
