Flag of The First Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-first Army Corps, c. 1863, three stripes of red, white, and some remaining blue wool bunting, two soiled white stars with a 1 in each star, also included is a note written by the color bearer, John Webb, which states Battle Flag of Gen' Sam'l Beatty 1st Brig 3d Div 21st army Corps Carried by John Webb Co A 19th O From Stone River to Last day of Atlanta Campaign with passes dated 1863 and 1864, and a few other military documents, also includes documents relating to Webb's post-Civil War employment as a member of the Secret Service, including his identification as a Special Operative, lg. of the flag hoist 70, wd. to the fly 48 in. Provenance: Taken home by Private John Webb. Included is a newspaper article titled "KEPT THE FLAG" , in which he describes in detail the construction of the flag, where he carried it, and how he acquired it. Note: The Twenty-first Corps was formed January 9th, 1863 after the battle of Stone's River, took part in the Tullahoma Campaign and the Battle of Chickamauga, after which they where reorganized with the Twentieth Corps to form the Fourth Corps in October of 1863.
