Factory Engraved Colt Model 1851 Navy Revolver, c. 1853, walnut grip, serial number 23002, factory engraved hammer with wolf's head design, engraved frame, loading lever, screws, wedge, and barrel in foliate designs, top of barrel marked ADDRESS COL. SAML COLT NEW-YORK US AMERICA , also marked COLTS PATENT on left side of frame, cylinder is engraved with Texas naval scene, backstrap engraved T.J. Eubanks 48th Regt. Ala. Vols. from the Officers of his Company , and further engraved on the butt for gallantry July 1-3, 1863 , barrel lg. 7 1/2, overall lg. 13 3/4 in. Note: Thomas James Eubanks enlisted in May, 1861 as a Private in Company K, 9th Alabama Infantry. Later that year he was promoted to Lieutenant and appointed to the 48th Alabama Infantry. May 1st, 1863 he was promoted to Captain and participated in the attack on Devils Den and Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg. In the report of Colonel Sheffield on August 7th, 1863, Col. Sheffield mentions the actions of T.J. Eubanks, "I cannot close without speaking of those who acted most conspicuously during the hottest of the conflict. Lieutenants Burk and Ewing and Captains Eubanks and Edwards are especially noticed for their gallantry in leading their men forward and remaining in front of their commands encouraging their men". Captain Eubanks was mortally wounded on October 28th, 1863, during the Battle of Wauhatchie in the Lookout Valley, Tennessee. Lot includes much information on Eubanks, his service recor Read more…
