[Reference] Massive File of Binders on Gambling and Playing Cards. 1920s – 2000s (bulk 1970s – 90s). A collection of hundreds of pieces filling three cartons, including booklets, monographs, exhibition and auction catalogs, playing card dealer's lists and publications, manufacturer's sales brochures and catalogs, bibliographies, clippings, correspondence, magazines, photographs and other printed matter; with considerable cross-over material on gambling-themed magic and magicians. A meticulous accumulation of material from a single collector, neatly sorted in hardcover three-ring binders, spines labeled with subject matter. With material from manufacturers including U.S. Playing Card Company, U.S. Games Systems, George & Company, H.C. Evans & Co., K.C. Card Co., H.E. Mason, H.C. Edwards, Congress, and Crisloid; collectors and dealers including Cary, Kaplan, and De La Rue, plus various American and German dealers and auctioneers; publications, monographs, and booklets by writers and publishers including Dai Vernon (including a signed article from his collection) Milt Kort, Nick Trost, John Scarne, William Larsen, Eddie Joseph, Edward Litzau, Irv Weiner, Steven Minch, Gambler's Book Club, Stanley Gibbons, and many others; also with casino brochures, handouts, and pocket game guides; technical publications and photographs on methods of cheating and advantage play; and much more. Should be Seen.

Potter & Potter