[Miscellaneous] Group of Over 25 Vintage and Classic Booklets on Cheating, Cardsharps, Poker, and Other Gambling Subjects. 1940s – 80s. Including How You are Cheated at Dice (1951) by King; Cheating at Cards (1973) by Lampkin; Marked Cards (1970) by Raymond; Dice: The Soul of Honesty (1951); How to Win at Poker (1950) by Moss; Spotlight on the Card Sharp (1980s); Baccarat Fair and Foul (1980s); Rich Uncle from Fiji (1980s); Poker: Complete Method of Playing (1944) by Blair; Faro: Method of Play (1944); Winning Systems: Horse Racing, Dice, Blackjack (1944); How to Spot Card Sharps and their Methods (1957) by Radner; The Bunco Book (1946) by Gibson; How to Make Money with Carnival Games (1956) by Fox; Adventures in Gambling (1949) by Elrod; and others. Most very good.

Potter & Potter