[Miscellaneous] Group of Gambling Classics and Related Works. Including A Grand Expose of the Science of Gambling (Magicana, 2010); How Gamblers Win (Magicana, 2008); Compleat Gamester (Cornmarket, 1972) by Cotton; Secret Band of Brothers (Exposition, 1980) by Green; Gambling Exposed (Patterson Smith, 1973) by Green; The Stealing Machine (GBC, 1976) by Villiod; Traps for the Young (1967) by Comstock; L'Art de Gagner a Tous Les Jeux (Slatkine, 1981) by Robert-Houdin; Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi (Steck-Vaughn, 1967) by Devol; Life and Adventures of Robert Bailey (Walsworth, 1978); Gambling and Gambling Devices (Patterson Smith, 1969); Giochi di Carte (Collana di Classici, 2001); Phantom at the Card Table (1976) by McGuire; A Friendly Game? (1996) by Morris; Making Lemonade the John Scarne Way (2013) by Ragsdale; Banker's Strategy at Baccarat Chemin-de-Fer (1980); “Yellow Kid" Weil (2011); and others. 8vos. Most clothbound, some with jackets. Primarily 8vo. Generally near fine condition.

Potter & Potter