[Miscellaneous] Group of Nine Vintage Gambling Supply Catalogs. Including C.S. Vine & Co. Magical Goods (Swanton, Ohio, ca. 1920); Magic Novelty Co. Sporting Goods (West Hoboken, N.J., 1917 – 18); two different National Game Supply Pocket Blue Books (Tiburon, Calif., ca. 1950s); H. Frazelle Magical and Amusement Specialties (Los Angeles, ca. 1930s); Buffalo Novelty Bazaar Dice, Card, and Novelty Catalog (Buffalo, N.Y., ca. 1940s); Portland Card Co. Club Room Catalogue 771 (Portland, Ore., ca. 1960s); O.C. Novelty Co. No. 169 (ca. 1960s); and California Card Company (Pasadena, ca. 1970s). A nice group in generally very good condition.

Potter & Potter